Sunday, November 29, 2009

Time for peppermint lattes!

The time has come to start playing Christmas music, get the tree up and begin Christmas shopping (if you haven't already). It's time to get your peppermint ice cream, peppermint and gingerbread lattes at Starbucks and enjoy basking in the glow of twinkle lights.

Most importantly it's time to remember a little baby that was born so many years ago who changed the course of the world.

Let the festivities begin!!


mary said...

Whoo hooo!!

Mom said...

Yes! Love your blog background! We're starting our big master calendar for all the upcoming fun... looking forward to everything!

Anonymous said...

Yahoo, we love Christmas time!
aunt G

David Cox said...

Gigi. If I hear the term "Winter break" I will rant and bellow a Merry Christmas! Wonderful time of the year. Leafed through a Lands End "Winter" catalogue. Not a hint of the Christ child. Sad and hollow! But we get to enjoy it all! Let us plunder the Egyptians now and all year long! Love you and yours. Dad