Tuesday, August 17, 2010


It's finally hot again here in SoCal. We have had the most amazingly comfortable summer (sorry rest of the country) but as of this week it's been ranging from 98-102. Thank goodness for air con, indoor play and t.v....

I haven't been posting much here lately mostly because Facebook has taken over most of my social networking time. It's become hard for me to write anything significant over 3 sentences long. O.k. so part of that is just me or summer melting my brain, or white sugar, white flour and corn syrup, or motherhood, or too much t.v. or not enough reading or engaging in meaningful conversation on a regular basis... The list could go on.

So, the past few weeks Chris and I have been looking in earnest at different living arrangements. It's weird that we would because we LOVE it here. We have a life here. The beach is 10 minutes away and did I mention that we love it here? BUT, Chris is driving so much everyday and we know that our sweet affordable housing deal will expire in a year and rent keeps going up. We've just been feeling... restless. So, when I was at a friends house cutting her 4 girls hair, she mentioned that they had a back house that they needed to rent out. I had a look at it and went home and excitedly told Chris about it. All of a sudden there was this option, a very reasonably priced option out there. Financially we could really use the break. We need to save and take care of some other obligations without feeling strapped all of the time.

As we considered this option we looked around the area where Chris works. There were some really sweet places built in the 40's and 50's with tons of space but they were a bit more pricey. Tempting but we realized that we would be even more stressed financially by making the move and by paying more. We would also have to take Anders out of the great pre-school that he's in because of the distance.

Soooo.... On October 1st (Lord will'n and the creek don't rise) we'll be moving into the small one bedroom back house with a gigantic yard with 4 very sweet little girls and three dogs for Anders to play with. It will be an adventure although I'm a little apprehensive about losing some of the luxuries that we have had here. But, I'm ready for it. I'm sure that it will be character building and in the long run we'll have fond memories for this place in our lives.
I've already started sorting through the mass of baby clothes that we don't need and hauled them to the Goodwill. Next will be packing up books, cds, clothes and kitchen ware that we don't immediately need. Most of these will go into storage while we live in this house.

I'll update as we get closer to the first and hopefully I won't have gone packing crazy by then!


Mom said...

Hi dear, I bought you a big storage box today when I was at Target... just to join in the spirit of the thing! Daddy and I were reminiscing last night about our free seminary house that was a real fixer upper. It was a great place to live, and you were born while we lived there. We have good memories from that house and I know you will too... from this next place. Good decision!
Love you...

David Cox said...

We will have to tell you some of the stories that came to mind last night as we thought back to the most humble abode we inhabited. Good memories. Character building. Living happily with little, etc. Good things are ahead for you three. Love, Dad

Grandma Seelye said...

Good idea!! I'm sure there will be some adjusting but it will be worth it! Love you.

Gretchen said...

Thank you for the nice encouragement! I'm so lucky to have such great Parents and Grandparents! Love you all!

Carla said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I totally remember you from BBC...although didn't really know you. I too blog largely because I hate scrapbooking ;) not at all good with the crafty stuff.
Nice to meet you again. :)

Great Aunt Gretchen said...

Where's Anders going to sleep in your one bedroom place? Just curious. :-)

Gretchen said...

He'll sleep in the bedroom and we'll sleep in the "bedroom" alcove in the living room.

Cristen said...

Good luck moving! Wish you many happy memories!!! I have been out of the blogging world too. Need to get back in to it. I miss checking up on everyone!!!